Betting on stuff is fun. It makes the outcome more interesting, be it Kim and Kanye's baby name or the Stanley Cup Finals. Here are some Politicians that love a friendly wager.

Under the terms of the wager, the governor of the losing team’s state will volunteer at the food bank of the winning governor’s choice. If the Bruins win, Governor Quinn will volunteer at the Greater Boston Food Bank. If the Blackhawks win, Governor Patrick will volunteer at the Greater
Chicago Food Depository.
Governor Patrick was happy that he could use something lighthearted and fun
to make a difference in a serious issue. “I look forward to seeing the Bruins
circle the ice with the Stanley Cup above their heads,” he said. “And I’m
delighted to join with Governor Quinn to use the excitement of the playoffs to
draw attention to the important issue of food insecurity.”
The Illinois Governor was unphased by the challenge. “Governor Patrick is
skating on thin ice by betting against the mighty Chicago Blackhawks,” said
Governor Quinn. “But the Greater Chicago Food Depository can always use
extra help, so after he works a shift there, I’m happy to take Governor
Patrick to the United Center to see the Stanley Cup return home.”
It has been a long and exciting Stanley Cup series between the Blackhawks and
Bruins. Can you remember Game 1 and who came out on top?
Here's a hint. The game went into triple OT before one of the teams scored a
sudden death goal to win the game. Read all about Game 1 to find out which
Governor will be volunteering their time at the other's Food Bank.
Not to be outdone by their Governors, Chicago and Boston Mayors have also
placed a wager of their own. Mayor Menino has joined the action, countering a
friendly and windy wager from Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
On the Chicago Mayor's Office Facebook page Tuesday, Emaunel put forth an
abundance of offerings should the Bruins prevail in their "quest to be the runner up
for the 2013 NHL Stanley Cup."
"Boston is a nice little town, sure, but we thought you might enjoy seeing
what it's like in the big city," he prodded.
Some of the "treats" up for grabs: Corned beef sandwiches from Mann'y
Cafeteria & Delicatessen; tickets to the Tony-Award winning Steppenwolf
Theatre Company; a custom "Menino 13" Blackhawks Jersey; some Green Line
beer courtesy of Goose Island Beer Co.; and some leftover Sriracha hot sauce
from the Los Angeles mayor after they beat the Kings. And many more.
Mayor Menino, not to be outdone, fired back, though Emanuel gets cool points
for posting his challenge to Facebook versus Menino's typed PDF. (Seriously?)
Anyway, here's what Boston is offering should the Hawks skate away with the Cup:
The “Best of Boston's Local Foods,” foods that are grown or produced
right here in the Hub, including some of our abundant seafood;
Access to the City of Boston’s website for one day, to post a promotional video
touting Chicago and its great attractions – no profanities, please;
I’ll see your Steppenwolf with two tickets to the Tony Award-winning Huntington
Theatre Company, and raise you two tickets to Theo Epstein’s “Hot Stove, Cool Music”
concert in Boston;
And of course, I’ll match you a tree, to be planted in the schoolyard
of your choosing, highlighting our common commitment to education, parks and
the environment.
I love how Menino requested Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, please refrain
from posting a bunch of F-bombs on the City of Boston website. As if Emanuel
would carpet-bomb the site with profanities before signing off, "F--k You
Boston! Love, Rahm".
This has so far been a super fun and exciting series. Made the more
entertaining by the cities respective mayors' willingness to put
their Tony Award-winning theater programs where their mouths are.