You might recall that Boxing phenom Floyd Mayweather recently made news for posting his winning Sports Wager on his Twitter. He placed that wager at the Cantor M Resort Spa Casino. Apparently, this is where he likes to place his Sports Bets as many other twitter posts show the same Cantor@M trademark.
“We’re creating an environment that allows people to get in and
out of games at a much lower cost. Instead of the traditional 10 percent fee
imposed on every bet, patrons will now be offered the opportunity to wager on an
event at a substantial discount to the traditional rate”
Inside Wagers, which will initially be introduced at the M Resort Spa Casino, gives patrons the
opportunity to wager on individual games inside the conventional bookmaker
lines. The system will operate on a commission basis to the patron on bets that
are accepted.
“Inside Wagers is a line within the line, a revolutionary concept in the world of
sports betting,” said Lee Amaitis, CEO of Cantor Gaming. “We’re creating an
environment that allows people to get in and out of games at a much lower cost.
Instead of the traditional 10 percent fee imposed on every bet, patrons will now
be offered the opportunity to wager on an event at a substantial discount to the
traditional rate,” he added.
Bets through Inside Wagers can only be placed during a designated betting
window on a first-in, first-out basis. Once the window of time closes, additional
bets are not allowed. All bets are then reviewed and either accepted in total, in part,
or declined by the sports book based on demand of the wagering marketplace.
“Because lines continually move and Inside Wagers betting windows will open and
close throughout the week starting on Thursday, patrons can take advantage of
making bets based on the anticipated movement of the line, just as you would in
the financial market,” said Mr. Amaitis.
Inside Wagers further builds upon Cantor Gaming’s expertise in financial technology,
bringing Wall Street style trading to Las Vegas sports wagering. “We’re in the
business of creating unique gaming experiences and continuously updating our
products and technology to offer customers a gaming experience that they can’t
get in any other sports book,” Mr. Amaitis said.